
In my 30 years of practice, so many techniques and surgeries that I was trained how to do have been improved upon, changed, or even abandoned due to poor results. New techniques and ideas have come along that work better and achieve better long-term results.  Yet, I find...

​In my 30 + years of practice, I have seen trends come and go in the cosmetic surgery world, here in Evansville, and around the world.  In my training, in the 80’s, implants were becoming more and more popular.  Upon arriving in Evansville, the trend was...

Some of you may have read recently of a potential side effect of one of the CoVid-19 Vaccines.  From what I can tell, out of 30,000 people in the Moderna trial, there were apparently 3 who had localized swelling or inflammation in the areas of...

The Orr Clinic for Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery is Open for Business.  We are seeing patients in consultation in the office, and our regular patients as we normally would do. We want to assure you we are taking every precaution to insure your safety while visiting...

Here at the Orr Clinic for Plastic Surgery, we are very well aware of the concerns people have regarding the spread of the Corona Virus.  Businesses are either curtailing hours or cutting employees, and some businesses are closing their doors either temporarily or permanently.  Many...

You may have heard recent media reports regarding a new type of cancer or tumor that occurs around textured breast  implants. The FDA recently updated information regarding this disease (Breast Implant Associated – Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (BIA-ALCL)). The American Society of Plastic Surgeons is...

As many of you may be aware, one of the breast implant manufacturers, Allergan, has been asked to recall there textured breast implants by the FDA.  There has been an association of textured implants to a rare tumor referred to as anaplastic large cell lymphoma,...

The first implants were placed in 1962.  Throughout my training, I was taught to instruct patients after breast augmentation surgery to keep their arms down by their side, keep cold compresses on the breasts and bind the breasts with ACE wraps or tape to help...

Breast Reconstruction - I want you to know there are options! Imagine, you go in to get your routine annual mammogram.  They tell you they see something suspicious and they need to do some additional views.  Your heart is racing!  You’re starting to get scared!  They...